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Dog chewing shoe

7 Tips To Stop Your Dog From Chewing Things You'll Wish You Knew Sooner

dog chewing

Whether you have a new puppy or an old timer who’s been around the block there are just those dogs that will chew just about anything in the house from furniture to shoes. So how can you prevent your pup from destroying the legs of your kitchen table that’s been in the family for four generations? Read on for tips and methods on getting your pooch to ditch the shoes for good.

Redirect Chewing to a Toy

When your catch your dog trying to chew the furniture or his next shoe interrupt the behavior and redirect him to an appropriate chew toy. A stuffed Kong is one easy way to distract him from the inappropriate item he’s chewing on. If you fill it with some of his favorite treats then he’ll likely be more drawn to it than your beautiful oak armoire.

dog with toys

If a Kong isn’t really your dog’s style then you can choose any toy you want your dog to chew on instead of the items in your house. It doesn’t really matter what toy it is as long as you are consistent with interrupting the inappropriate chewing and redirecting to an appropriate chew toy. For puppies try a teething toy that can be put in the freezer to help with the pain of their adult teeth coming in.

Lots of Exercise

Not only is regular exercise great for your dog’s overall health, but it can help minimize destructive chewing behaviors. Simply put, a tired dog/pup is less likely to get into things and chew them up.

dog playing with owner

Exercise also produces endorphins and therefore a calming effect on your dog. Daily exercise can include walks, runs, or even highly engaging play time.

Get a Pet Camera

Sometimes certain situations or times of day trigger a dog to do their destructive chewing. Having a pet cam on hand will help catch your dog in the act and can also provide valuable information about when and what things he likes to chew, especially when you have to leave your home. With this all important information you’ll be able to better understand our dog’s chewing habits and tailor a solution to your specific dog. For instance, if you notice your dog’s destructive behaviors only come out when you have to leave her alone for a period of time then it might be a sign of separation anxiety.

Supervise Your Dog

Until your dog learns the rules of what he is allowed to chew try tethering him to you with a leash or in a space where he can’t destroy things he isn’t supposed to.

dog with toys

Provide fresh water and plenty of toys and chewies that he is allowed to have to keep him entertained.

Spray Deterrents

Something you could also try are spray deterrents. You can often find them at your local pet store. These special sprays are formulated to taste bad to your dog and therefore deter her from chewing your house to bits. Just simply spray a bit on the things you don’t want your dog to chew. Then reapply every day for a few weeks in a row. It’s that simple. But remember that the spray deterrent alone won’t be the magic bean that solves your dog’s destructive chewing behaviors. Use these sprays in combination with some of the other techniques and tips in this blog post for a more successful treatment of destructive chewing.


To get your dog to stop chewing on the inappropriate item try offering a treat in exchange for that toilet paper from your bathroom.

dog treats

You can even add the command of “Give” as the cue for your dog to release the object currently in her mouth for a yummy treat.

Have Realistic Expectations

And last but not least, make sure to check yourself for realistic expectations. This means that you should have some patience when getting your dog to change the destructive chewing behavior. Remember that he needs time to learn the rules of the house and you need to do your best to keep things out of his reach.

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