Why Some Dogs Like to Cuddle and Others Don't
Have you ever wondered why some dogs are cuddlers and others are not? Well, this is something I have been thinking about a lot recently with our latest adoption from the Marin Humane Society, Sherlock (see our previous post about this). Sherlock, unlike her older brother Watson is much more of a cuddle bug and absolutely loves sleeping and napping in our laps or right next to our faces in bed. It is interesting to see the juxtaposition between the two when it comes to their morning naps. And as I am sure you are aware, all dogs, just like people, have very different personalities, interests, and preferences. Here is just a little bit about why some dogs like to cuddle while others do not.
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How to Ease Dogs with Separation Anxiety
One of the most common challenges I have been seeing lately on pet parent and dog mom forums recently has been dogs with separation anxiety. This can manifest in a number of symptoms including barking, whining, crying, chewing furniture, urinating inside (when they are 100% potty trained), escape attempts, and being in general destructive. Separation anxiety is triggered when dogs become upset when they are separated from their guardians. Some dogs are easily agitated when they see their humans simply getting ready to leave and others only become anxious when their guardians depart through the front door. Others try to even prevent their people from leaving altogether. And then when their guardians return home the dogs act as if it has been years since they have seen their people.
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3 Easy Ways to Involve Kids of All Ages in Dog Training
Dogs can be a fantastic addition to family life, but a lot of times parents are unsure of how to involve their children with training the dog other than at feeding and potty times. Here are just a few easy ways you can get your kids excited about and involved in training the family dog. It not only helps teach your kids responsibility and how to care for their new bff, but also can create a deep bond between them and the family dog. And as always make sure you supervise your children at all times with the dog.
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Socializing Your New Puppy
When you hear the word ‘socialize’ in the context of your new puppy what immediately comes to mind? Perhaps meeting new people or dogs and being in general friendly. Although this answer isn’t inherently wrong, it is important to remember that socializing your puppy involves a lot more than just being friendly with people and other dogs. In general socialization means learning to be a part of society and that goes for humans and dogs alike. This means that socializing your puppy means taking the time to carefully introduce your new family member to different types of environments, buildings, sights, sounds, smells, animals, handling, grooming, in addition to other dogs and people.
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Dogs in the Workplace: 6 Reasons Why Allowing Dogs to Come to Work Makes Sense
A big trend over the last couple years in dog loving cities like San Francisco and San Diego are companies allowing dogs in the workplace. Lots of high tech companies often get credit for creating the dog friendly workplace (think Google, Salesforce, Etsy, and Autodesk), but in my experience small businesses have often led the way in allowing dogs to accompany their human companions to work. I personally have taken Watson with me to work on occasion and I can tell you from first hand experience that it is both amazing and challenging, but the amazing far outweighs the challenges. Here are just a few of the benefits of having a dog friendly business:
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6 Ways to Protect Your Dog's Paws Year Round
Whether you are still experiencing the cold of winter or starting to enjoy the warm sun, paw care is an important concern for many dog owners. Walking on hot or ice cold pavements can cause injury or irritations, but there are a few ways to keep your pooch’s paws safe from the elements.
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The Ultimate Dog Mom Mother's Day Gift Guide 2018
Mother’s Day in the US is coming up on May 13th! Here are some of the best finds for all you dog moms out there because let’s face it your dogs are your kids, so why not spoil yourself a bit with these fun gifts.
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6 Tips for Finding (and Keeping) the Right Dog Walker You'll Wish You'd Known Sooner
The search for the perfect dog walker isn’t easy and there are many factors to consider, especially whether or not your dogs liked the person that would be walking them. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you find the best dog walker for your furry pals.
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4 Activities for Keeping Your Senior Dog's Brain Sharp
As our dogs age it becomes increasingly important to exercise their brains as well as their bodies. As dogs age they may show signs of slowing down including sleeping more and general inactivity. Mental exercises and stimulation are actually very easy to do and can further cement the bond between you and your dog well into old age. Read on for a few easy, every day brain activities you can do with senior (and young) dogs!
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How to Deal with Your Picky Eater- Dog Edition
When we first adopted Watson almost two years ago we had no idea what we would be in store for. We soon found out that he is the pickiest of picky eaters. He was about a pound underweight which is a lot for a small dog who’s healthy body weight is six pounds and would barely eat and vomit due to an empty stomach.
We worked with Watson’s vet to try and find a healthy dog food he would eat. We tried every combination of store bought kibble and wet food, but to no avail. Eventually the vet advised that we cook every meal for him and so we did for about the first year and a half, but luckily, and a little bit on accident, we discovered that he would eat a freeze dried, raw dog food. Watson still isn’t a huge fan of food, and as such we are constantly finding new ways to keep him interested in his meals. We know that there are a lot of dog moms and dads out there that are going through the same struggles and so we thought we would share just a few of the tips and tricks we have tried over the last couple of years.
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5 Fun Ways to Get Fit with Your Dog that Doesn't Require Running a Marathon
Who says your daily workout has to be limited to your local gym? You can work up a sweat and have fun by recruiting your very own four-legged workout partner. Not only is regular exercise good for humans but provides a lot of mental and physical benefits to your pooch.
Exercising also releases endorphins and helps maintain a healthy weight while also improving your dog’s coordination, balance, and strength. And you have the added benefit of a non-judgemental workout buddy! Here are just a few easy and fun things you can do with your dog to get in shape that doesn’t involve running a marathon.
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Celebrate National Pet Day April 11, 2018!
National Pet Day is tomorrow! How will you be celebrating? Perhaps with a nice afternoon trip to the dog park, a special meal for your furry pal, or even a few gifts. I know that if my rescue dog Watson wasn’t in my life it would be a whole lot more empty, so this National Pet Day we’re gonna celebrate like crazy! Here are just 4 of Watson’s favorite ways to celebrate National Pet Day.
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